Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tales of Desperaux

Do you believe in Happily Ever After as Despereaux believed?  Tell me why or why not?


  1. Yes I belive happily ever after is true, because if you are reading a Disney book\movie it ends up being happily ever. and its just a nice way of saying the end. Every Disney book\movie ends that way. Thats why I belive it is true.

  2. I do beleve In happily ever after because you have happy parts in your life when you get cool stuff and when you see someone for the first time ever. Some time books come true and they some times have happily every afters in them and that is why I think happily ever afters are real.

  3. I do believe in happily endings. If you did not you would proble do nothing for the rest of your life. if you did believe like Despereaux you would be happy and have a wafe and stay in shap. If you did't stay in shap you would not be able to do anything but the best thing about deliving in happily endings is so that you can have a good life

  4. Tale of Desperaux is a good story and I beleave hapily ever after is real because my mom had hapily ever after with my dad but then it broke because they are getting a divorse.This is like when Desperaux found love with Princess Pea but not the divorse part( it's not the same as Desperaux because he still love Princess Pea.)There is Hapily Ever After for me hope you do to have a hapily ever after.


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