Monday, April 26, 2010


What is your favourite month of the year? Why?


  1. My favourite month is February because my birthday is in February and same with my friend Ozair.I also like February because it's Valentines day which is one of my favourite holidays.The last thing about February that I like is because there is a song about February called 'February air' I love it and because my favourite group sings it the group is called lights.That is why February is my favourite month. Pessoa 8

  2. My favourite month of the year is July because I love swimming and it is the HOTTEST month of the year. I also like July because I can have lots of sleep overs with my 2 best friends Julia and Hayley. pessoa12

  3. My favourite month is July because It is really hot out and I get to play with my best best best friend Chloe. I also like July because I get to go to the beach alot. I also like it because I don't have to were jackets,sweaters,hats and mittins. That's why I love July is my favourite month.

    Pessoa 13

  4. My favourite month of the year is August because its summer and I love to swim on HOT summer days! I also like August because summer break is No SCHOOL. That's why I like August.pessoa6

  5. My favourite month is October because it's my birthday and its near Halloween.I got lots of candy.October is fun because you get to dress up at school.


  6. My favorite month is December because
    my birthday is four days away from
    Christmas and my birthday is 11 days
    from New Years Eve. I also like December
    because I get to play in the snow. I also
    like December because I get to have cake
    and presents on my birthday party.


  7. My favorite month is December because it's my birthday and Christmas. Also it's the time of winter and there could be a snow storm. I like it because you get presents and you can take them to school. That's why I like December.


  8. My favorite month is August because it's the middle of summer and then I can play outside a lot. Also I can get wet. I also like August because I can eat popsicles and freezies. The best part is NO SCHOOL! Which means I don't have to put away my video games early! That's why I like August.

    Pessoa 19

  9. My favourite month is April because it's MY BIRTHDAY. Like it also because it's SPRING and
    it Raines a lot. I love rains. But the reasn I
    love it most I git a pet SQUIRELL.

    PESSOA 4

  10. July is my favourite month of the year because it is my birthday July 23 is the day. Also July is favourite month of the year because no school,no homework,and no more waking up in the morning for school. And it is time for my dad to come from working in North Carlina Raleigh and he brings me a electronic like xbox360. And I get to swim in my pool day and night and watch friday the 13th in my pool with a flat screen water prof laptop that my dad got me for my birthday.
    pessoa 10

  11. My favorite month is June,because it is summer.
    It is my moms/dads birthday.
    I love summer because I can go in pools.
    I love pools because I love swimming.


  12. My favourite month of the year is December. I like it because Christmas is in December. I also like December because there is a lot of snow for people to play in. During December, we have two weeks off of school, which is good because I don't need to wake up early. That's why I like December.
    Pessoa 9

  13. Feburary is my favourite month of the year because it is my birthday I really like when my birthday comes up. My favourite holiday is even my birthday, I wish my birthday can be everyday. And my favourite month is June July and Augest because it is summer time and it is hot.


  14. My favourite month is July because it my birthday and I can play all day.we can play with friends and my favourite is no school. My mom is going to get a trample and a tier swing. In July I am going to have a party in my back yard with a trample and a tier swing and a slip-en slide.

    pessoa 21

  15. I like July because that's my birthday and I like my birthday because I get to see family and friends.

  16. My favourite mounth is Nov because its my birthday. My birthday is on nov 11 and that is on remberence day and becauseits snowy that means you can stay inside.

  17. My favourite month is Decemeber becuse I can have snowball fight's.Also becuse I can wrap prepresent's.But last but not least chrismis!!


  18. My favorite month of the year is October because my birthday is in October and its my favorite month of the year because on that year its halloween.I also like halloween because I get to wear my costume,get lots of candy,watch scary shows,prank my brother and get lots of presents on my birthday.

  19. My favorite month is June because that is when the Stanley cup finals is. I also like June is that it is summer! PESSOA20

  20. My parents are so important because they help me when I am hurt like when I broke my arm they cared for me a lot.My parents are also so important because they let me have lots of friends come over like Hayley and Julia and they let me have awesome birthday parties.My parents support me because at my swim meet they came to support me and I was nervous so my dad said "everything will be okay".That's why my parents are so important. Pessoa12

  21. May is my favorite mouth because it is BIRTH DAY . and I have trips in may. pessoa11


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